Terms and Conditions

Term and conditions of TenzLive. We got all your IPTV needs catered for through live and video on-demand programs. We have an easy-to-navigate video streaming site where anyone can browse through our vast array of services. However, prior to jumping to the entertainment there are some terms and condition which should be understood and accepted.

Terms and Conditions Updates:

We have a right to change our terms of services at Tenzlive whenever we want. We may or may not inform you about such changes. However, by visiting www.Tenz.live, you agree to these new conditions.

Age Requirement:

Upon agreeing with us, you must be over eighteen. You must be at least 18 year old to become a member of Tenzlive and enjoy our services. Please note that this sample paper is entirely free of copyright.

Usage and Service Terms:

Users of Tenzlive should not stream the content, broadcast, or distribute it in any form. Violation of this clause is punishable by suspension.

Third-Party Purchases:

We have nothing to do with “buy now” services we’ve seen on TenzLive. You will only be dealing with a merchant on transactions with the third-party vendors.

Quality of Streams:

Several elements influence your streaming experience. Due to device capabilities, network access, location, and other reason we cannot guarantee the content. Sharing subscriptions is prohibited.

VPN or Proxy Usage:

The usage of VPN or proxy servers to access our servers is allowed, and you can use VPN or Proxy like you want.

Accuracy of Information:

Data should be validated, reliable, and current upon submission. Your usage of your account is entirely under your control.


Get a list of some compatible devices in our help center. Your devices should be able meet system requirements for you to access TenzLive services.

Internet Service and Data Usage:

We do charge users for network cost to use our services.

Subscription Sharing:

It provides one active stream for each subscription. Subscription sharing is not allowed, and users can be banned permanently.

Purchase Details:

A sequence followed in purchasing. Prices may change without notice.

Number of Channels and Movies (VOD):

Therefore, TenzLive update every week is affecting on the numbers of channel and movie on the VOD librabry.

Suspension and Downtime:

Violation of terms may result in suspension or termination of your access. We might limit usage or cancel subscriptions without warning.

Copyrights and Trademarks:

The logos, scripts, and trademarks are owned by TenzLive. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Refund Policy:

Your satisfaction is our priority. Within 24 hours of encountering such difficulties as lagging, buffering, service problems, absence of premium channels and/or setup problems. please contact us for refund. However, please bear in mind that refunds should not exceed more than fifteen days because of unexpected reasons.

How to Request a Refund:

Please fill out our contact form, whatsapp or email [email protected].
Use the address you signed up with.
Include the invoice number.
Tenz live welcomes your views and promises friendly customer service. It is our mission for your entertainment satisfaction!

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